Statement of Unity
Statement of Unity
Any ministry organization or individual ministry leader who wishes to become a member of the GLGA must affirm full agreement with this Statement of Unity.
Building the Body of Christ in Greater Lafayette
PURPOSE: The Greater Lafayette Gospel Association exists to promote the unity of the body of Christ in Greater Lafayette for the sake of the gospel.
FOCUS: We welcome ministries passionate to spread the grace and truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout Greater Lafayette.
STRATEGY: We create opportunities for prayer, encouragement, and cooperation among ministry leaders first and their ministries through them.
Statement of Faith
There is one God and ultimate authority who is revealed in the Bible to be eternally Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Dt 6:4, Mt 28:18-20, Mk 1:10-11, Jn 1:1, 1Jn 2:1, Eph 4:3-5).
The Bible is the complete written Word of God, authoritative in all matters of faith and life (1Pe 1:20-21, 2Pe 3:15-16, 2Ti 3:16-17).
The Father is the Almighty Creator and initiator of all things (Ge 1:1, Jn 8:28-29).
By the Father’s plan, the Son became a man, was conceived by the Spirit, was born of the virgin Mary, was called Jesus, the Christ, lived without sin, was crucified as an atonement for sin, was resurrected bodily, ascended to the right hand of the Father, presently intercedes for his own, and will return again in power, glory, and judgment, fully establishing the eternal Kingdom of God (Jn 1:14, Gal 4:4, 1Jn 4:10, Heb 7:23-25, 1Co 15:20-28).
The promise of forgiveness, the assurance of eternal life, and the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit are given only to those who repent of sin, believe in Jesus, and confess him as Lord (Jn 14:6, Acts 2:38-39, Acts 4:12, Ro 10:9-10, Eph 1:13-14).
All believers are empowered uniquely by the Holy Spirit for godly living and effective service (1Co 12:7-11).
The Church is the worldwide collection of true believers who, being the collective body of Christ on earth, express unity through diversity and continue Christ’s ministry of discipleship with grace and truth regardless of any opposition (Mt 16:18, Jn 1:16-18, Jn 14:12, 1Co 12:21-31, Mt 5:11-12, 1Pe 5:8-9).
Desiring to unite with the brothers and sisters of faith in the GLGA, I affirm agreement with these purposes and beliefs, commit to participate in gatherings for prayer, encouragement, and cooperation, and submit a financial contribution for this current membership cycle.